Monday, January 20, 2014

Snack - Seared Salmon on Wholegrain Rye Crisp Bread w nori, pickledradish and taramasalata (炙烤鮭魚X黑麥脆餅)

Since the recent foot injury, I have to be a bit more creative to come up meal idea without making a trip to the grocer.

Looking around the fridge & pantry and see what mix-n-match cocotions I can come up with. I am really sick and tired with local greasy takeaways as well as pizzas. 

Well, well...I think I may come up with something fancy, delicious and super simple!


(c) GMV - Got My Vote!'(o^^o)


I made a face when I discovered a packet of Crisp bread - I mean it is as charming as a cupboard box - what can I do with it?!!

I am determined to give it a makeover and turn it into an elegant nutritious open-faced canapé appetizer. Feeling like a fairy godmother now. :)

今天來介紹一直都覺得很無聊的脆餅 (Crispbread)。但有一位上班同事,幾乎每到中午休息時,就開一包類似的餅乾,加上酪梨和滑軟的鄉村起司,這就是她的午餐。

看她那健美高䠷的身材,真的有代言航空小姐的本錢。鬼迷心竅也去買了一包,但一直都放在那沒開。心想:人家是邦迪陽光女孩 (是Bondi girl 不是Bond girl) 何必委屈自己的味蕾。所以一直擱置在某角落。

Ok, this doesn't really need a recipe. But here is the list of ingredients to make this lovely entertaining appetizer.

Perfect canapé for any dinner party! 
In my case today - simple healthy lunch snacks.



- Salmon fillet ( Sashimi grade)
- Ryvita Crispbread - Wholegrain Rye 250g $1.99
- Three Foodies' Fresh Greek Taramasalata Dip Spread 500g $4.99
- Cheil Jedang CJ's Sliced Pickled Radish (韓國的醃漬大根片。低鹽,口味酸甜) 350g $3.20 

[Note: You can get this from any major Korean grocery stores]

- Nori seaweed sheet
- French onion slices


1. Use a blowtorch and lightly flame-grilled the salmon fillets. (I am using the sashimi grade salmon so I only seared it lightly on top. If you are not a fan to raw seafood, you can grilled it to perfection too).

2. Spread the Taramasalata dip on the crispbread. 

3. Place a piece of grilled salmon in between the picked radish sheet and place on top of the crispbread.

4. Garnish with thinly French onion slices.

5. Top with black seaweed nori pieces.

The taramasalata dip is quite salty to balance out the acidity of the pickled radish sheets.


When I topped the crispbread with all my favourite ingredients - it doesn't look so boring after all does it?

These are now the perfect as appetizer at dinner parties. 

